Wedding Planners Since 2006
Organizer of exceptional weddings in France
You are unique, dare to achieve the wedding of your dreams !
“The greatest thing you’ll
ever learn is just
to love and be
loved in return”
You have dreams and desires for your wedding, but you don’t know if your project is possible to achieve?
What to start with? Who to contact?
How to organize and coordinate all aspects of your wedding? How not to forget anything?
Do you want to live this moment fully, relaxed, and let yourself be carried away, without worrying in order to make the most of this magical day?
We have the best team of wedding planners for it!
For complete support up to the coordination of your D-Day or for personalized “à la carte” support, we provide you with our experience, our passion and our partners so this incredible day remains unforgettable.
With more than 15 years of experience and more than 200 weddings organized in France, our team of wedding planners is always by your side so that you can fully enjoy one of the most important day of your life.
Our most upscale wedding planning package. Your desires will have no limits.
Unlimited package
A complete wedding planning service, including d-day coordination.
Full package
Because this unique moment must be an unforgettable surprise, entrust us with the organization of your marriage proposal!
Marriage proposal
Walt Disney –
Pioneers in the organization of non-religious / symbolic ceremonies, we design unique and personalized engagement ceremonies. Our Wedding Officiants will know how to create a ceremony for you according to your convictions and your values, for a moment of truth and emotions.
Visit our website “Cérémonie de Rêve.”
Emilie Dickinson –
Vincent Van Gogh –
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